Whether you’re a seasoned gardener with a large yard or a condo resident looking to grow some fresh herbs this summer, one of these planter box design ideas will help you start this season on the right foot. For more detailed instructions, you can access free downloadable blueprints here.

Elevated Garden Bed – If you’re planning on getting serious about growing vegetables this season, this ergonomically designed elevated planter is your best bet. It’s 2.40m long, so plenty of room for an abundance of greens.

Also, it’s four feet wide, just the right width to reach the center of the box from either side. Plus, the walls are 18 inches tall, so there’s no need to bend down when you’re on your knees to plant your seeds. Eighteen inches also happens to be chair height, so you can sit on the caps while patting yourself on the back to get the gardening season started.

This particular project calls for western red cedar, meaning it’s perfect for organic gardens. That’s because real cedar is naturally resistant to rot, decay, and insects. So you don’t have to treat it with chemical finishes that could get into your veggies.